Tools & Techniques

DE BUSS ChemTech employs project planning methodologies with a structured approach to guide the project team during the planning and conceptual phases of a project. Once a project plan is in place, we follow project management best practices through successful completion.

DE Performance measurement techniques as well as our schedule change control system ensure that project contingencies for all stake holders are kept to a minimum. And t DE he use of smart PID and employing tagging conforming to EN ISO 10628 and ISA 5.1, enables anyone to read our flow diagrams and other engineering documents.

DE Procurement planning, „near-shoring“ and second-sourcing – both under the umbrella of Swiss Quality – of the key equipment ensures quality remains high while at an attracative price for our clients.

DE We also support our clients‘ OSBL engineering activities. Combined with our active participation on-site during erection completion and mechanical and functional tests, this ensures a proper and smooth chemical start-up of our plants. We always remain accessible for our clients, whether for planned or unplanned on-site services.

DE Other tools, techniques, and expertise include:

  • DE Engineers trained as process hazard analysis (PHA) chairpersons
  • DE Multiple ASPEN licenses
  • DE A comprehensive database of material properties
  • DE AutoCAD Plant3D for P&ID and Layout drafting
  • DE Inventor, PDMS, CAESARII and ROHR2 (piping)
  • DE A network of specialists for:
    • DE stress analysis (FEA)
    • DE 3D piping and layout
    • DE structural engineering tasks

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