A New Barrel Housing for a BUSS Kneader

Near East
Plant Capacity
35 t/h, Green Anode Paste
2022 (Original Plant 1997)
Scope of work
New barrel housing for a K600 9.5D/G160F BUSS Paste Kneader, On-site assessment for the replacement work. On-site supervision of the replacement work by local partner.
Project Description
Design, construction, on-site delivery, installation and start-up of a BUSS Kneader with a new barrel housing.
Key features
New barrel housing based on original construction drawings to be installed in the kneaders 1 & 2 supplied as standard to guarantee continuous production of 35 tonnes/hour of green anode paste. With assembled wear plates and kneading teeth. With heating jacket to fullfill 6 bar pressure and 300°C temperature. The new barrel housing complies with test plan and protocols for heat treatment, welding joints, pressure and leakage. Associated on-site evaluation and supervision of BUSS ChemTech’s supervisors for the replacement works with a local authorized and selected partner by the client.
BUSS ChemTech, as equal owner of the Buss mixer technology, acts as OEM supplier for associated spare parts, overhauls of its main shafts and gearboxes. BUSS ChemTech is also the technology supplier of a complete paste tower for anode production.
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